Thursday, November 13, 2008

Crash Hot Potatoes

I got this recipe from After reading many rave reviews, I decided to serve them with my Chicken & Wine. They were really good, but I'm not going to "rave" over them. They were seasoned potatoes. They were good, but nothing to write home about. My husband enjoyed them. I served them with some low-fat sour cream.


Small, red potatoes (as many as you want to serve...I did 6 for 2 of us and my husband ate 4 and I ate 2)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Any herbs you want to use...I used an italian seasoning herb mix

Cook potatoes until fork tender. Generously drizzle Extra Virgin Olive Oil over a large baking sheet. Place potatoes on sheet giving room between each potato. Using a potato masher, press down on the potato. Drizzle olive oil over potatoes, and sprinkle with salt, pepper and herbs. Bake 450 degrees for about 20-25 minutes until crispy and starting to brown.

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