Sunday, February 8, 2009

Cucumber Tea Sandwich

I know I'm committing a major food blog faux-pas, however I forgot to take a picture of these sandwiches and they were too good not to share! They are the quintessential tea party sandwich, and they are very delicious. If you've never had a cucumber sandwich, you definitely should try it. They are delicate and very tasty. I found the recipe here and it worked out fabulously. I love the addition of minced garlic.

Source: Great Party Recipes

1 large cucumber, peeled and sliced very thinly (I used 3 English Cucumbers...they are smaller then normal cucmbers and seedless)
3/4 cup soft butter
2 teaspoons minced fresh garlic
20 slices bread (I used about 8 slices of freshly baked bread)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 tablespoon olive oil
Pepper to taste


Lightly salt the cucumber slices and place them in a colander to drain for 1 to 2 hours. Then combine the butter and garlic and apply to 1 side of each slice of bread. In a small bowl, stir together the lemon juice, olive oil, and pepper. Add the cucumber slices, coating them well. Arrange the cucumber on 10 of the bread slices, top with the other 10 slices, remove the crusts, and quarter. Serve immediately. Makes 40 tea sandwiches. (I made 16 small sandwiches)

1 comment:

  1. This is such a classic dish no picture is necessary! looks like a great recipe!
