Monday, December 15, 2008

Chocolate and Raspberry Chambord Truffles

I got the idea for this flavor combo. from none other then my own fabulous wedding cake! My awesome baker Jen, from She Takes the Cake came up with this fabulous flavor for every other layer of our cake. When we had our tasting, my husband and I just about devoured this flavor cake! Her description of this flavor (from her website) is as follows: "Chocolate Chambord Cake with blackberry infused ganache and raspberry fillings". Yeah it was awesome then, and now it's awesome in a truffle! I used my "base" recipe from Ina Garten, and the rest is as follows.

Adapted from Ina Garten
  • 1/2 pound good bittersweet chocolate (recommended: Lindt)
  • 1/2 pound good semisweet chocolate (recommended: Ghiradelli)
  • 1 cup heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons Chambord
  • 1/2 teaspoon raspberry extract

Chop the chocolates finely with a sharp knife. Place them in a heat-proof mixing bowl.

Heat the cream in a small saucepan until it just boils. Turn off the heat and allow the cream to sit for 20 seconds. Pour the cream through a fine-meshed sieve into the bowl with chocolate. With a wire whisk, slowly stir the cream and chocolates together until the chocolate is completely melted. Whisk in Chambord and Raspberry extract. Set aside at room temperature for 1 hour.

With 2 teaspoons, spoon round balls of the chocolate mixture onto a baking sheet lined with parchment or wax paper. Roll each ball of chocolate in your hands to roughly make it round. Dip in melted semi sweet chocolate over a double boiler and put on wax paper, and if desired pipe melted white chocolate tinted red over the top of the truffles. These will keep refrigerated for weeks, but serve them at room temperature.

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