Friday, December 5, 2008

Wine of the week

Once again, I fell behind in my wine of the week updates with Thanksgiving last week. Sorry about that!

Yesterday I picked up "Chateau St. Nicholas" because I was just in the Christmas mood and the bottle is cute! However, I have no clue who makes this wine! It says on the back of the bottle that it was bottled by Woodbridge but I really am not sure if that is where it came from. I realized this after I bought it...which weirded me out a little bit but I can't let a bottle of wine go to waste! So I tried it last night. This was a Merlot and was good, but there wasn't anything really special about it. So while the bottle is super cute, it was just a regular merlot and not one that I'd go out and buy again!

1 comment:

  1. What a cute and festive bottle of wine! I'll have to look for it the next time I hit the store...
