Monday, January 26, 2009

Crème fraîche

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Up here in the country where I live, crème fraîche is not readily available to buy in most supermarkets. So when I saw a recipe that I was dying to make that called for crème fraîche, I decided to try and make my own. Through further research online, I found that this homemade version of crème fraîche isn't really the "real" thing but it certainly worked for me. I thought of doing this a little too late so I didn't give it enough time to thicken. However, the slightly loose consistency worked with my recipe and the flavor was definitely there. I definitely want to make it again and next time give it more time to thicken.

Source: Joy of Baking

1 cup heavy whipping cream
1 tbps. Buttermilk


In a medium saucepan over low heat, warm cream to 105 degrees F. Remove from heat and stir in buttermilk. Transfer the cream to a large bowl and allow this mixture to stand in a warm place, loosely covered with plastic wrap, until thickened but still of pouring consistency. Stir and taste every 6-8 hours. This process takes from 24-36 hours, depending on room temperature. The crème fraîche is done when it is thickened with a slightly nutty, sour taste. Chill cream in the refrigerator for several hours before using. May be made and stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

1 comment:

  1. Nice! I have some buttermilk I'll need to use up so I'll definitely plan on making this for future recipes!
