Friday, January 23, 2009

My very first blog award!!

I was so very honored and happy to find out that my blog was nominated for a "Lemonade Award" by Run, Play, Cook (which is a seriously awesome blog...definitely check it out!)!!! Thank you very, very much!!!

And of course there are some rules that come attached to this great award:

- Add the logo in your blog.
- Add a link to the person who gave you the award.
- Nominate 10 other (refreshing…like lemonade) blogs of your choice.
- Don’t forget to add links to those blogs in yours.
- Also leave a message for your nominees in their blogs, informing them about the award.

So here are my 'nominees':

Cooking This and That
Erin's Food Files
Erica's Kitchen Adventures
Macaroni & Cheesecake
Woman With a Whisk
Confections of a Foodie Bride
Vintage Victuals
Love Deliciousness

These are all my favorite blogs that are so inspiring to me....although I definitely could have named a few more! Definitely check them all out...they are all fabulous food blogs!!!


  1. Congrats! And thank you so much for passing it along! It was my first as well :)

  2. Aww, thanks so much, Kristen! I love your blog, too!
