Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Valentine's Day Sugar Cookies

I was really debating as to whether or not I wanted to do Sugar Cookies for Valentines day. They are so time consuming and like I said before, I don't even like sugar cookies. However, they always look SO cute and I thought my friends, family and coworkers would enjoy them. I also read this fabulous tutorial on how to ice a sugar cookie on the Hyper Homemaker blog, and I was anxious to try this method out. I have never worked with royal icing before and was excited to try. So I made the cookies this past weekend am freezing them until Valentines Day. I'll post the recipe for Royal Icing here, but for more detailed instructions definitely check out the Hyper Homemaker's tutorial.

Overall I was quite pleased with how they turned out. I still need a lot of practice in order to get the consistencies right, but I had fun working with the royal icing. In addition, I now feel like icing a sugar cookie is just a bit less daunting.

Source: Good Things Catered / The Hyper Homemaker

1 batch of sugar cookies, baked and cooled

Royal Icing
1 lb (4 c.), powdered sugar, sifted
3 Tbsp meringue powder
4-6 Tbsp water *

* There is a star here because the amount of water you will need to add to the icing is very much dependent on temperature and humidity of the place you are and the day you make it.

Note: All tools (mixer, bowl, spatula, paddle) must be completely free of any grease/fat or the icing will turn to water and you will have to start over.

-In bowl of large stand mixer, fitted with paddle attachment, add powdered sugar, meringue powder, and 4 Tbsp water.
-Turn mixer on medium speed and slowly add more water as necessary for icing to just come together (about 1 more).
-Turn mixer on high and beat for 7-10 minutes, or until the sheen comes off of the icing.
-Use immediately and place a damp towel over any remaining icing as this stuff dries quickly!


  1. These are so cute! And your ravioli looks to die for! I've not yet attempted to make my own pasta-it's on my to do list though.

  2. They look great! I'm with you on the sugar cookie thing. They look sooo cute all decorated, but the taste just doesn't wow me. I'm tempted to do something valentine-y now...

  3. OH YAY! I'm glad the royal worked out for you. The best part about royal is you can change the consistency at any time by adding sugar or water. Your cookies are TOO CUTE! Great job!!
