Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Rosemary Mustard Pork Chops

I was browsing through Tastespotting the other day, hoping to be inspired to make something different for dinner, when I saw these Rosemary Mustard Pork chops. I had everything on hand, so I was anxious to try them.

These were fantastic. What a great way to prepare pork chops when you are sick of the "same old way". These were a fantastic departure from the normal pork chop, and all of the flavors worked so well together. In addition, the recipe is simple and most likely you have all of the ingredients on hand; that's my kind of week night meal! Definitely try these out if you are looking for something new to do with Pork Chops!


Source: Zesty Cook

4 Pork chops (I used 3)
1 Tbsp. olive oil
1 Tbsp. mustard (I used Yellow Mustard)
1 Tbsp. soy sauce
1/4 Cup chicken stock
2 Tbsp. brown sugar
1 Tsp. paprika (I omitted)
1 Tbsp. rosemary (dried) (I used about a twig and a half of fresh Rosemary, minced)
1 Tsp. black pepper
1 Tsp. salt


Preheat oven to 350°.

Preheat saute pan/frying pan to medium high heat and dry the pork chops with a paper towel.

Combine soy sauce, mustard, brown sugar and rosemary in a bowl; mix together.

Season pork with salt and pepper.

Add pork to pan and begin to sear on one side, about 3-4 minutes. Once complete on one side, flip and do the same on other side.

Remove pork chops and place on plate.

De-glaze the pan by adding the chicken stock and scraping all the bits off the bottom of the pan.

Add the sauce mixture from step 3 and let thicken for 2 minutes.

Add pork back on the pan and place into the oven to finish the cooking process; about 12 minutes. (After I put my chops in the pan to coat them in the sauce, I put them in a greased baking dish and drizzled the leftover sauce over the chops. In addition, I baked them for about 15-20 minutes because they were still really pink inside after 12).

Remove from oven, baste with sauce.