Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Farmer's Market

My best friend and I decided to take a trip to the farmer's market over the weekend. I can't even begin to tell you how much fun I had! It was the first time I've ever been, and now I'm totally hooked! You really can't beat the freshness of the produce or the prices! This is definitely going to be a once a week thing for me now!

Here are the things I got:

Fresh local eggs
A sage plant
red potatoes
red onions
Green onions
Whole nutmeg
3 tubs of other spices

I got all of this for less than $30 and it's local and fresh!!! So if you have a local farmer's market, definitely check it out! I wish I started going to this years ago!!!

And you can definitely look forward to new recipes involving all of these great, fresh ingredients!

(And yes, that's a sofa chair in my kitchen. We were re-doing the floors in our living room!)

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