Friday, May 1, 2009

Mediterranean Turkey Burgers

Now that the weather is half way decent up here in the north, my husband and I have been craving burgers on the grill. However, I'm not the kind of girl that can have a regular beef burger a lot...I get bored. So to switch it up I've been making different kinds of turkey burgers. Much healthier and you can really get creative! So when I saw these Mediterranean Turkey Burgers on Vintage Victuals, I was anxious to give them a try. Unfortunately, I didn't have any Greek Seasoning so I did a lot of subbing with some fresh herbs and added quite a few other things that happened to be in my kitchen but the result was really fantastic! I put a slice of gouda cheese on my burger for extra cheesiness (and because it's probably going to go bad soon), but to be honest it didn't add much because the burger itself was so flavorful. That being said, these burgers are loaded with flavor in every bite and totally hit the spot. They were the something different I crave, relatively healthy, and absolutely delicious. Overall, a great turkey burger!

Adapted from Vintage Victuals

1 lb. ground turkey breast
2 ounces feta cheese, cubed or crumbled (I used fat-free crumbled)
1/2 shallot, minced
2-3 cloves of garlic, minced
1/2 sprig fresh rosemary, minced
2-3 sage leaves, minced
1/2 onion, sliced
pinch of sugar
1 tsp extra virgin olive oil
Juice of 1/2 lemon, very lightly juiced (About 1-2 tsp.)
2 hamburger buns

In a large bowl, combine turkey, shallot, garlic, rosemary, sage, salt, pepper and lemon juice until thoroughly combined. Form into 4 equal sized thin patties, and in the center of 2 patties sprinkle as much feta cheese as desired. Put remaining 2 patties over the patties with feta and completely seal edges. Grill burgers until cooked throughout. Meanwhile, in a small sauce pan add olive oil and onion slices. Sprinkle with sugar. Cook on medium heat for about 20 minutes until caramelized, stirring frequently. Server burgers on toasted buns and top with caramelized onions.


  1. this looks delicious! I love the flavors of the mediterranean and to incorporate that in a burger is awesome!

  2. Yum - great picture with all that melted cheese on top! I love all the fresh herbs you used.

  3. Looks great! Even better than the original ;-)
