Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Anniversary Dinner

Yesterday was me and my husband's 2 year wedding anniversary. He asked if I wanted to go out but I actually wanted to just stay in and cook a fancy meal for us, which I haven't done in a while. Dinner came out perfect (thank goodness, because I did not have a plan B!) and I got the best gift ever from my darling husband...a counter top rotisserie! I'm so excited to use it!

Here was the menu:

To drink:
Lamoreaux Landing Chardonnay

Bacon Wrapped Filet Mignon served with Bearnaise sauce
Grilled lobster tail served with garlic butter
Beer and Cheddar Risotto
Fresh Caesar Salad

Chocolate Cake with fresh raspberry filling

Needless to say we were stuffed at the end of the meal! But we had a great anniversary and I really enjoyed just staying in this year.

And now for your viewing pleasure, some of my favorite wedding photos. I don't think I'll ever tire of looking at them and remembering our day!


  1. Sounds like a wonderful meal! You looked beautiful on your wedding day and I love your cake! Happy Anniversary!

  2. Happy Anniversary! Dinner sounds delicious and your pictures are gorgeous.

  3. Happy Anniversary - your wedding pics are beautiful! Your meal sounds delish and yay for beer and cheddar risotto!

  4. Happy Anniversary! Looks like you had a great meal! I love your wedding photos - I had a cascading bouquet too! :-)

  5. We just celebrated our 1 year on the 14th! Yea for June weddings! Loved your photos! We dined in too:)

  6. Happy Anniversary! We had a June wedding too (celebrated last week) and your menu looks fantastic!
