Monday, June 1, 2009

Wilton Course 2 Final Cake

I haven't been updating you all on my weekly Wilton classes because there is only 1 final cake involved in course 2. Every week you make different royal icing flowers, and then on the final class you learn to do basket weave on the side of the cake and then you arrange the flowers you made from previous classes. I really thought the cake turned out beautiful! The basket weave wasn't as hard as I thought it would be and I really like the rope boarder much better then the shell! All in all this was my favorite Wilton class to date! Also, this cake isn't exactly like some of the other course 2 cakes you might see...mainly the absence of the little blue color flow birds! But our instructor has been doing this for SO many years and they used to do the fence, which she liked better. Personally, I liked it better too! The pictures with the fence I took in class, then I went home to get some better shots but I didn't unwrap the fence again. Anyways, I really had a lot of fun with it. I think this cake would be lovely for a tea or garden party with the girls!

Next week: Course 3!