Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Raspberry Crumb Brownie Bars

It seems like all I'm posting lately are sweets, but 'tis the season I suppose!

I've had this recipe for a while but never found an opportunity to make it. But last week we had a small party at work and I thought this would be great to bring in. I'm not usually one to used boxed mixes (cake, brownie, etc.) for anything, but I loved how simple the boxed mix made this recipe. It's a perfect recipe to make when you're in a time crunch. Plus, the boxed mix makes for a super-fudgy brownie which I just love!

Everyone loved these little bars because, let's be honest, who doesn't like chocolate and raspberry?! After I made these I also realized that I'm sure I've had them before, I just don't know where or when. But I knew I liked them so I'm glad I finally found a recipe!

This is a great dessert that is a crowd pleaser and easy to make. Additional, these will be making an appearance on my Christmas Cookie tray this year!

Adapted from The Noshery

1 box of brownie mix and however much oil, eggs and water the box calls for)
2 sticks of butter, room temperature
2 cups flour
1/2 light brown sugar, packed
1/4 tsp. salt
3/4 cup seedless red raspberry jam
1/4 cup shredded coconut

Preheat oven to 350 degrees, grease and flour a 13x9 baking dish.

In the bowl of a stand mixer fitted with the paddle attachment, cream the butter until light in color. Next add in sugar until combined. Slowly add in flour and salt just until combined and still crumbly.

Add half of this mixture into your greased baking dish and, with your fingers, push down the dough until it completely covers the bottom and a little ways up the sides. Place into preheated oven for 10 minutes.

White the crust is baking, make the brownies in a large bowl according to package directions.

In a small microwave safe bowl, add raspberry jam and melt in the microwave at 30 second intervals (stirring each time) until very smooth.

Remove the crust from the oven after 10 minutes. Pour brownie batter over crust, and sprinkle remaining crust over the brownies. Drizzle with melted raspberry jam and top with coconut.

Put back in oven and bake for 35-40 minutes or until brownie is completely cooked.

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