Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Oven Roasted Chickpeas

I've seen this recipe time after time around the internet. A healthy snack that tastes great. So I decided to give in and try them once and for all.

I thought they were really good! A light, crunchy snack that will take away the hunger pangs without ruining your diet. I had no problem getting them nice and crunchy when I let them sit in the oven after turning it off. I also did not use any oil to save some calories/fat. For seasoning, I just used a bit of salt and some herbs de Provence after they came out of the oven. The seasoning doesn't stick great to the dry chickpeas, but it gave them a subtle flavoring that was perfect for me. But if you want them more seasoned, I'd imagine some oil would do the trick. Overall I thought this was a great little snack.


Adapted from AllRecipes.com

1 12 oz. can chickpeas, drained
kosher salt
herbs de Provence


Preheat oven to 400 degrees.

Pat chickpeas dry with a paper towel and spread on a foil lined baking sheet (without any cooking spray or oil). Roast for about 40-50 minutes, tossing them once or twice during baking time to prevent them sticking to the foil. After they are slightly crunchy on the outside, turn off the oven and let them sit in the oven for about an hour or two. After this, they should be very crunchy.

Put chick peas into a bowl and sprinkle with salt and herbs de Provence to taste. I used about 1 tsp. of each. Toss to combine and serve or store for later snacking.

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