Monday, January 4, 2010

Whole Wheat Crackers with Herbs

If you're a regular reader of my blog I don't think I need to say that this is not exactly a healthy eating blog. I love to make really rich foods which is something I've gotten to be comfortable doing over the years. But it's completely caught up to me and my husband. So with the new year upon us and a trip to the beach a mere two months away, I'm really making an effort to eat "cleaner" and not so, uh, fatty.

So one of the first things I decided to make were these whole wheat crackers for my husband and I to bring to work during the week. I wanted to make them instead of buy them to avoid all the preservatives and other "unknowns" that are in store bought crackers.

These were very simple to make and you undoubtedly have everything for them in your pantry already. The base to this cracker is very simple and you can add whatever herbs and spices you want to make them your own. I chose this combination because I had all these herbs in my fridge but feel free to add whatever herbs you'd like.

These are great little crackers that are perfect to snack on during the day.

Adapted from Allrecipes

3 1/4 cups 100% whole wheat flour, I use King Arthur
3/4 tsp kosher salt
1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 cup water
kosher salt for sprinkling
2-3 springs fresh thyme, minced
5-6 fresh sage leaves, minced
2-4 sprigs rosemary, minced


Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

In a medium bowl, stir together the whole wheat flour, 3/4 tsp teaspoon salt and minced herbs. Pour in the olive oil and water; mix until just blended.

On a lightly floured surface, roll out the dough as thin as possible - no thicker than 1/8 inch (the thinner the better). Place dough on an ungreased baking sheet lined with parchment paper, and mark squares out with a knife, but don't cut through. Prick each cracker with a fork a few times, and sprinkle with salt.

Bake for at least 20 minutes in the preheated oven, or until crisp and light brown. Baking time may be different depending on how thin your crackers are. When cool, remove from baking sheet, and separate into individual crackers.


  1. I'm still waiting on my cracker mold. Crackers take such a long time to roll and cut. These look great, though, I'm going to try them after I'm moved and unpacked and situated in my new kitchen and tired of eating out, which won't take long I hope!

  2. these look delicious. I've only made crackers once before, but there weren't the kind you roll out. Looks like something I'd like to try!

  3. so easy!!! i'm totally making these!! they work perfectly with my food philosophy.

    check out my blog. i'm trying to start a food revolution.
