Sunday, February 6, 2011

It's been 3 months...

It's been just about 3 months since I've posted anything. Huh. I wonder what could have prevented me from cooking/blogging for 3 months....

I'll give you a hint.

And no, those are not two pictures of the same baby.

I'm pregnant with twins!!!! A little over 17 weeks to be exact, and the babies are doing great!

First trimester morning sickness was a nightmare. Not to be too graphic, but I was throwing up everything I put down and lost around 10 lbs. I tried to continue to blog but it was too hard. I didn't even start cooking again until just recently.

And while morning "nausea" is still lingering, I'm feeling better by the day and am getting back in the kitchen! I certainly can't promise that I'll be posting with any sort of frequency, but I'm doing my best and definitely want to continue with my blog.

Thanks for hanging in there with me, and again my apologies for my prolonged absence!


  1. I guess I'll de-lurk. I've been following your blog for quite some time. I really enjoy it.

    Congratulations on the babies!! How exciting! My husband is an identical twin. My mother in law says that hands down they were the easiest to raise. She had 6 kids.

  2. Congratulations! Twins - how exciting?!!

  3. Oh my gosh!!! I'm so excited for you!!! TTC backstory coming soon? ART or "natural"? Identical or fraternal? I'm so stinkin happy for you!!

  4. Aaaaah! Congratulations lady! That is so exciting :)

  5. Congratulations; twice blessed!

  6. ps, those are the creepy questions i ask now. really, it's none of my business. in short, CONGRATS!!!!

  7. Thanks everyone!

    Josey - TOTALLY not creepy, lol! I don't want to focus my food blog on my IF struggles, but these little angels were conceived with the help of injectables, IUI and a WHOLE lot of prayer!! Oh and they are fraternal! :)

  8. LOL, well I'm glad it wasn't creepy to ask. :)

    We're hoping to do our first IUI in the next month or two... hoping and praying for a result like yours! (singleton or twins, whatever we can get, we'll take!).

    Again (for the 3rd time!), congrats. :)

  9. OMG congrats!! I haven't been on the Nest much lately so missed any announcement you made. So exciting - H&H pregnancy!!
